Antimycotic agent Foot Trooper

Take care of Your feet health!
  • mycotic infection destruction
  • structure recovery of nail plate
  • removal of inflammatory process
49 USD old price 98 USD

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How can you feel

the «colonization» of myco?
  • feet skin looks like being chalked
  • small sloughing of skin of planta and between toes
  • nail plate callosity and spalling
  • intumescence of nail wall, its redness and itching


Cosmetic defect

The site of entry for other infectious diseases

Implicitly the myco
is a serious trouble for others

Significant complication for other diseases

diabetes allergic dermat asthma
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The instantaneous effect
of Foot Trooper on fungous disease

  • The most powerful organic antifungal and antiseptic agent. Destroys the fungus, its spores and mycelium, does not allow it to multiply further. Fights bacteria. Tea Tree Oil
  • Relieves itching and discomfort, dries and disinfects the skin, improves the condition of nails. Tincture of thuja
  • Strengthens skin immunity, protects against repeated infection with fungus, heals abrasions and ulcers. Neem
  • Reduces sweating, neutralizes unpleasant odor, moisturizes and softens the skin of the feet. Larreya trident


Itch disappearance

sweat of feet lowering

the skin soft and fine

Scrutinous removing
site of infection

Skin scaling stop

of the affected area of the skin

Safe destruction
of mycotic infection

of myco reinfection

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For successful myco treatment I write my patients up for Foot Trooper, independently of developmental stages offungous disease. Foot Trooper has the unique ability to penetrate even with a rough layer of the skin, quicklydissolves the old one, the spray can be medicatedin case of aggressive progress of disease and also for prophylactic use, it has no contraindications andside effects.

customer review

Elizabeth, 24 years old

Recently I have gone to the swimming pool, and I’ve caught the mycotic infection there. Itching wasso strong. I’ve applied to the hospital, and skin specialist has written me up for Foot Trooper, and it’sso good, that doctor has recommended me the spray, I am totally against taking medicine.

Anna, 28 years old

I am a service woman, and I wear service shoes every day. My feet always sweat profusely and I’m sotired, it causes the progress of fungous disease. I’ve ordered Foot Trooper immediately, and asepticizedmy shoes with a lemon juice. This spray has helped me, dry heel disappeared and skin has beencompletely recovered.

John, 29 years old

Hello, I'm a swimmer. I have always been at risk, and of course implemented necessary measures toprevent mycotic infection. But few times I forgot shower shoes, and somewhere I’ve caught fusariuminfection. My wife has ordered Foot Trooper, I used it over a month. Skin scaling and itching have beenstopped.